Paraburdoo Medical Centre

Mollit repellendus Ipsum aut id temporibus qui minus optio sunt nisi expedita laborum mollitia necessitatibus incididunt vero esse

Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh.

Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec id justo. Suspendisse potenti.

Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec id justo. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus consectetuer vestibulum elit. Maecenas egestas arcu quis ligula mattis placerat..

Our Mission

“Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Mauris turpis nunc, blandit et, volutpat molestie, porta ut, ligula. Cras risus ipsum, faucibus ut, ullamcorper id, varius ac, leo. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui.Sed magna purus, fermentum eu, tincidunt eu, varius ut, felis. Praesent nec nisl a purus blandit viverra.”

General Health

Velit unde laborum Nemo ut fugiat assumenda laboris voluptate veniam elit incididunt illo reprehenderit voluptate ratione rerum voluptates quia placeat

Children's Health

Est culpa deserunt consequuntur perferendis dolores Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus.

Women's Health

Dignissimos pariatur Sit autem adipisicing sit natus reiciendis aut ab consequatur autem Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet.

Minor Surgery

description text for minor surgery

Employment Medicals

explainer text

Hearing Text

explainer text

Our Location

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Vestibulum eu rutrum augue, a molestie turpis. Suspendisse risus dolor, sodales iaculis justo eget, ultricies ullamcorper risus.

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Tom Price Medical Centre

At Tom Price Medical Centre we promote comprehensive and thoughtful medical care for the whole family. We are dedicated to providing high quality care to the local communities within Tom Price, Paraburdoo and surrounding areas.

Our clinic is centrally located in Tom Price where we provide a range of services, including:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of short term and chronic illness.
  • Minor operative procedures including vasectomy and Implanon
  • Travel advice and immunization
  • Men’s and women’s health checks
  • Skin Cancer checks and treatment
  • Occupational medicine and pre-employment medicals
  • Childhood vaccinations
  • Obstetric care
  • Botox treatments.

Pathology and radiology services are available at the Tom Price Hospital.

All other allied services can be coordinated through your practitioner at Tom Price Medical Centre. The Doctors here are independent clinicians and are responsible for all decisions regarding patient medical treatment and healthcare.


** If you are in need of an urgent appointment please contact the Admin Team at the Tom Price Medical Centre on (08) 9189 1901 **

Your local general practice - here to support you

General Health

Children's Health

Women's Health

Minor Surgery

Employment Medicals

Hearing Tests

Men's Health

Occupational Medicine

Skin Clinics


Dr Etienne Cawood

Meet Dr Etienne Cawood is not your average doctor, having spent the last 25 years practicing in rural Zululand, South Africa, Indonesia, and Australia.Dr Cawood graduated from the University of Stellenbosch, in his native South Africa in 1994. Etienne is no stranger to the Pilbara and mining communities, having previously worked in Newman, Wickham, Jurien Bay, Southern Cross, Lake Grace, and Ravensthorpe.Outside of medicine Etienne enjoys photography, chess, and philosophy and spending time with his wife Anita and their two sons.

Dr Johan Du Preez

Dr Johan Du Preez started his studies and career in South Africa before leaving for Canada in 1997 where he obtained specialist skills and further qualifications in the areas of family and general practice and emergency medicine.Dr Du Preez worked in numerous locations in northern Alberta and Vancouver Island as a General Practitioner and Practice Partner and in tertiary referral hospitals as an Emergency Physician.Dr Du Preez his wife, daughter and son moved to Australia in 2016 where Johan obtained his Fellowship with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and has been practicing in a Perth metropolitan General Practice for the past four years.

Fee Structure

This Practice is a private billing practice. Fees include the Medicare payment and a gap fee. The Medicare Rebate can be immediately reimbursed. Payment at the time of consultation is expected and can be made by cash or using our card facilities.


Fee Schedule


STANDARD CONSULT (Level B Surgery) Up to 15 min – $90 ( GAP – $51.25)

DOUBLE CONSULT (Level C surgery ) 20 mins to 30 mins – $130 ( GAP – $54.95)

EXTENDED CONSULT (Level D surgery) 40 minutes + – $160 ( GAP $49.50)


Please note, Saturday appointments attract a gap payment of $57.


And other materials attract extra fees and charges.

  • Procedures
  • Vaccines
  • Liquid Nitrogen.


Patients are required to attend a consult for items such as:

  • Repeat Prescriptions
  • Referrals
  • Pathology Forms etc.
  • Doctors Medical Certificates
  • Work Certificates
  • Consults for PATS forms only: can be Bulk Billed.


Missed appointments

Please note a $30 ( single) & $50 ( double) fee will apply for non-attendnance when less than an hours notice is not given.



Accounts will only be raised in special circumstances and will attract an accounting fee of $15.00. Our trading terms are strictly 30 days. If the account has not been paid in full within 30 days legal action will be taken to recover the funds and further legal fees will apply.


Our Surgery offers bulk billing to Pensioners and HealthCare Card holders.


Clinic Processes & Policies

Recalls & Reminders

A recall and reminder system is available to help you return for important results, regular preventative care and early detection of disease.


Results are checked and filed by our doctors on a daily basis. Results are only given over the phone in certain circumstances. An appointment must be made with the doctor to discuss results. If the doctor has asked the nurse to contact you regarding results please note the nurse can only provide the information the doctor has directed them to give you. If you require any further information than you will need to make an appointment with the Doctor.

Sickness Certificates

A sickness certificate cannot be issued without a consultation with the doctor.

Repeat Prescriptions

All patients requiring a prescription must be seen by a doctor. This includes replacement scripts for those that are lost or mislaid.

Referrals to Specialists

A referral to a specialist requires a letter from your doctor to entitle you to a Medicare rebate. Your referral letter also should include accurate and up to date current and past histories to ensure appropriate care is provided by the specialist. We need to see you before referring you to a suitable specialist, this includes repeat referrals.

Mobile Phones

Telephone calls do interrupt consultations and cause inconvenience to patients in the surgery. It is not possible to make a diagnosis over the phone. If you are unsure as to whether to come into the surgery, please ring and speak to the Receptionist. If calls are taken the doctor will call back by the end of the day.

Suggestions & Complaints

We are always striving to improve the standard of professional service to our patients and welcome your feedback. If you have a problem please let us know. You can write to the Practice Manager via the contact details on this website. Forms are also available at Reception.If you feel your complaint has not been adequately addressed, the Office of Health Review is available for further information. Contact number is (08)93230600 or free call 1800 813 583

Communication Policy

Our reception staff are happy to take messages or assist you with any general questions regarding your healthcare. If our Doctors are contacted by telephone during normal surgery hours they are likely to be consulting with a patient and a message will be taken & your call returned. In an emergency your call will be transferred to either the Practice Nurse or the Doctor immediately.

Privacy & Patient Health Information

Your medical record is a confidential document. It is practice policy to maintain the security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. Our Privacy Policy is located in the practice waiting area on the notice board. If changing practices, to obtain your medical record, you would need to fill out a “transfer of medical records” form at your new practice who will then send the request to us, your medical record will be sent directly to your new practice.

Care Outside of Hours

Outside of opening hours please attend the local hospital or call 000 if the matter is an emergency.

Our Location

Tom Price Medical / Emergency Centre

854 Central Road
Tom Price, Western Australia, Australia

Paraburdoo Medical / Emergency Centre

Rocklea Road
Paraburdoo, WA, 6754, Australia

Contact Us

If you would like to contact us to provide feedback or ask a non-urgent question, please use the form below.

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Mater Emergency Department

Mollit repellendus Ipsum aut id temporibus qui minus optio sunt nisi expedita laborum mollitia necessitatibus incididunt vero esse

Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh.

Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec id justo. Suspendisse potenti.

Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec id justo. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus consectetuer vestibulum elit. Maecenas egestas arcu quis ligula mattis placerat..

Our Mission

“Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Mauris turpis nunc, blandit et, volutpat molestie, porta ut, ligula. Cras risus ipsum, faucibus ut, ullamcorper id, varius ac, leo. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui.Sed magna purus, fermentum eu, tincidunt eu, varius ut, felis. Praesent nec nisl a purus blandit viverra.”

In ipsam qui ad omnis autem quis

Velit unde laborum Nemo ut fugiat assumenda laboris voluptate veniam elit incididunt illo reprehenderit voluptate ratione rerum voluptates quia placeat

Deserunt porro nostrum aut

Est culpa deserunt consequuntur perferendis dolores Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus.

Dignissimos voluptatum

Dignissimos pariatur Sit autem adipisicing sit natus reiciendis aut ab consequatur autem Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet.

Our Location

Contact Us

Lorem ipsum

Vestibulum eu rutrum augue, a molestie turpis. Suspendisse risus dolor, sodales iaculis justo eget, ultricies ullamcorper risus.

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